Sacred Mushroom: The Making of a Medicine Woman.
Shonagh Home is an author, shamanic bridge, teacher and public speaker. Her offerings focus on the cultivation of our intrinsic abilities – intuition, creativity and multi-dimensional awareness. A woman of Celtic and North Germanic blood, she works with the mushroom in tandem with the nature spirits to reawaken the once treasured bond linking humankind, nature and the invisible realms. Her work with those in need is deeply probing and revelatory, breaking the spell and activating in the seeker an entirely new place of reference.
In addition, Shonagh is a beekeeper and apitherapist, administering bee venom therapy for a variety of illnesses such as MS and arthritis. She is a voice for the plight of the honeybees, offering a powerful solution in the form of Biodynamic farming and gardening, as put forth by Rudolf Steiner.
She is author of the books, Ix Chel Wisdom: 7 Teachings from the Mayan Sacred Feminine, Love and Spirit Medicine, and the upcoming, Honeybee Wisdom: A Modern Melissae Speaks. Learn more at
Presentation Abstract:
The Sacred Mushroom: The Making of a Medicine Woman
After 8 years of devoted shamanic study and practice, the mushroom began calling me with urgency. What ensued was a year of dedicated, monthly shamanic immersions into the realms of the mushroom in the dark of night while outside in nature. In this talk I will discuss the cumulative evolution of healing, awakening and shamanic training that is possible under the auspices of the intelligences encountered through the portal of the mushroom. Engaging the mushroom in this way means leaving the rickety scaffolding of one’s personal history and embracing the multidimensional coordinates of a life infused with magic.
Sometimes it is nature that initiates us, calling the seeker to higher knowledge and secret wisdom. Nature beckons the burgeoning medicine man or woman to deepen their practice and open fully to spirit intelligences that assist in wondrous ways. This transformative process is ancient, spanning time with no regard to what the rules of the day may dictate. The mushroom is soul medicine and if one’s soul is called to surrender to the unseen teachers of this ancient sacrament, life will never be the same.
More About Shonagh Home:
Come Fly With Us
This mystery lies hidden in view
Yet sadly is known to only a few
Who have eyes and ears that can perceive
And the imagination to conceive
Of worlds within worlds where beings of knowledge
Hold secrets contained in an ancient college
That all can access who have the heart
and burning desire to learn the art
of speaking a language of foreign tongue
learned through a medium growing in dungAn unlikely place for a ship to be found
That transports the seeker from common ground
To spectacular wonders that fly in the face
Of reason and rule that constricts your race
To a prison of mind that holds you back
And colors your imagination blackCome fly with us and you will discover
A wondrous place that is like no other
A place of connection to all that is dear
A place long known to the ancient seer
Who humbly travelled with open heart
Whose intention was pure from the very startThis place has cures for what ails your folk
And wisdom that feeds the fires you stoke
The beings who dwell in these places are real
Known only to those who are able to feelWe watch you all from behind the veil
We possess what you call the Holy Grail
It can only be accessed by breaking the spell
It is then you can drink from the sacred well
Of knowledge and truth and noble intentions
That transcend the constructs of man’s inventionsCome fly with us dear seekers who yearn
Whose souls ache for truth, whose beating hearts burn
For communion with shimmering beings of light
We offer you the gift of sight
We offer it freely in spite of your rules
Made by those who play you for foolsOur worlds offer freedom to be and express
To call forth your nature that is no less
Than magnificent in its radiance and beauty
Wake now dear humans
That is your duty….–Shonagh Home
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Breaking the Spell Through the Portal of the Sacred Mushroom, Exploring Psychedelics in Science, Religion and Art Conference at SOU, June, 2015.
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Woman As Visionary Medicine Shaman in A Journal of Contemporary Shamanism.