From childhood, UK based artist Solara Aerie had a strong curiosity for the spirit world and held drawing and creating art close to her heart.After pursuing a hard science tract in university, the lure of travel and direct experience of the natural world inspired her to develop her illustration skills to a highly meticulous, almost photo-realistic degree.
At 28 years old, ayahuasca serendipitously entered her world and brought about profound changes – a life that had been knocked off balance by early childhood traumas and defined by difficulties and depression began to heal and find balance.
The medicine quite literally brought her back from the edge of suicide and Solara became completely devoted to it, making lengthy trips to Peru over four years to work with ayahuasca and other master plants through long dietas.
In 2013, during eight months of near isolation in the rainforest dieting Piñon Blanco, she was blessed to receive another gift from the medicine. With an introduction to technique and colour from friend and artist Luis Tamani, she decided to learn to paint.
The plants opened up her creative channels and guided and inspired her. Painting continues to be integral to both her personal expression and her healing journey, which have been the primary subject of her work.
She continues to travel to Peru to diet in the Shipibo tradition and works regularly as a curandera.
Panel Discussion:
Visionary Art – I
Panelist: Solara Aerie
Visionary artists will discuss what it means to paint from a visionary perspective, how their visionary experiences influence their work and how medicine emerges through art.
Panelists: Amanda Sage, Anderson Debernardi, Luis Tamami, Solara Aerie
Moderator: Sitaramaya Sita
More About Solara Aerie:
Through my art I attempt to convey the realms of the plants spirits I have been blessed to have known as part of my own personal healing journey.
See more of Solara’s work and that of other visionary artists on the PlantTeachers Art Gallery page.